All the rest

Ayeesha loves to host, interview and create. As part of Pedestrian’s Selfish Sessions she interviewed Australian influencer icon Abbie Chatfield and British author and artist Florence Given. She was also part of Pedestrian’s webseries, 27 Pedestrians, and their Telstra online dating panel. In 2020 Ayeesha became the host of FBi Radio podcast CANVAS: Unframing Art & Ideas.

interviewer & host

Micro aggressions | BuzzFeed Oz

content creation

Online dating | BuzzFeed Oz

For BuzzFeed, Ayeesha created a series of videos exploring racial micro-aggressions and has been featured in several BuzzFeed content videos. She regularly creates content for brands, working with the likes of Citizen Wolf, Good Time Pilates, Benefit Cosmetics, Well Made Clothes, Self Care, Fluff + more..


Ayeesha has taught students from kindergarten to high school age with Red Room Poetry and The Joan Sutherland Performing Arts Centre, Fairfield|PYT. For adults, she has taught programs at Spark Youth Theatre, NIDA, The Joan - Workshop and NAVA.

